Enjoy in season, locally sourced fresh fish and seafood at home.
Shop or sign-up for our fish box delivery and enjoy freshly caught, seasonal and sustainable fish & seafood from small scale British fishers.
All of our fish is sourced and prepared fresh by our in-house chef, including bold and tasty recipes to enjoy at home.
What we offer
Why Soleshare?
We’ve turned fish sourcing on its head.
Supporting small scale fishermen who use boats under 10 meters.
Building good relationships with fishers and their communities.
Providing fish & shellfish caught with minimal damage to the marine environment, using less impactful methods such as rod and line, static gill and trammel nets.
Paying a fair price to the fishers.
Supporting ethically responsible and sustainable food sourcing.
Recipe of the month
Chef’s notes
This is one of our most popular products that we sell at our market stall in Stoke Newington’s farmers market.
1 x Trout fillets, minced or chopped
1 x Huss fillet, minced or chopped
1 x lemon zest
1tsp x fresh ginger, chopped
1 tsp x fresh coriander chopped
1 tbsp x dried coconut
Salt & cayenne pepper to taste -
1. Mix all the ingredients together and shape it to size (150g)
2. Panfried 2 to 3 min on each side and enjoy!
Follow us @soleshare